25 May GM Lessons #2: Running An Open World RPG

What is an Open World RPG? Quite simply, it is an RPG world that is unrestricted, unlimited, completely and utterly flexible and real to the players. By this we mean that the players aren't restricted by any set path. Sure they will follow a storyline, but that storyline is...

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27 Apr Why I Like Immersion RPG

I've been playing role-playing games for over 15 years and have had the good fortune to experience a multitude of settings and systems, each one with a unique (or in some cases, a morbidly generic) set of rules, characters and monsters to vanquish. I have...

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16 Nov Why Is Immersion RPG Awesome?

Immersion RPG - From the heart of Michael Hodgson Why Is Immersion RPG Awesome? I've played quite a few role playing game systems, and found some of them quite hard to work with; too much in the rules department, and not enough in the anything else department....

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