Lobster Problems - A Scenario for Infected Zombie RPG

Lobster Problems – A Scenario for Infected Zombie RPG


Las Vegas is a scary place. Controlled by the Skulls, fanatics who believe they can defy death itself, it is also a scene of intense covert activity by NORAD in their attempt to retake this vital bastion.


Lobster Thompson is one of NORAD’s key people in the city, and now one of his spies have gone missing. She knows everything – and everyone. If the Skulls get hold of this information, it will be curtains for him, for the NORAD forces here – and likely for the PCs as well. That’s right, anyone with any sort of affiliation will be hunted down.


Best get busy – they haven’t got much time before she starts talking.


A one-shot scenario for 1-6 players and estimated to take 4-6 hours.


A supplement for Infected Zombie RPG.

