The Infected Zombie RPG Sampler is now EXTENDED

28 May The Infected Zombie RPG Sampler is now EXTENDED

Okay, so I’ve gone and really done it this time. With a bit of feedback from some valued playtesters and readers (thanks guys!) I decided to add some more content to the Infected Zombie RPG Sampler book. It was a fair bit of effort, let me tell you! But I’m actually really glad I did.

One of the main reasons I updated it this way is so that reviewers and bloggers can get a chance to test the game out, rather than just look at all the fluff. I want them to be able to have some fun with it, see what it’s like, get a feel for the world.

So I’ve added a bunch of rules to it, enough for a working understanding, while keeping it really concise. I’ve also added in some pre-gen characters and a brutal adventure (called, appropriately Survival of the Fittest). I’m pretty pleased with it.

Now, instead of 30+ pages, it’s 60+ pages. Heck, it’s a mini book in itself.

Here’s a taste of what it looks like inside:

Related:  Cannibal Wallpaper for Infected RPG!

Sampler Spread - Infected Zombie RPG


If you haven’t already, check out the Sampler here. Subscribe, and you will be provided with the goodness. Also, if you sign up as a playtester, you will also get the sampler, because the quick-rules are in the Sampler, and will give you all you need to give the game a go.

Oh – and here’s the website for Infected RPG. (It loads a little slowly at the moment, but that’s just the excess Infected needing to be put down.)

Good gaming!

~ Oliver R Shead

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