About Us

Immersion Studios is run by a bunch of passionate gamers, keen to see their ideas reach others, and enrich their gaming experiences. Of course, our first line of interest is the Immersion RPG series of games, beginning with Infected! and moving on to several more soon (see our Settings page). Who knows what the future holds?


We also occasionally do interviews with others, or even have guest bloggers. So if you have a good idea or something you want to pitch to us, let us know!


Alternately, if you’re interested in having a look at Immersion RPG and would like to bounce some ideas back and forth, we’re also interested. An extra pair of eyes is always a valuable addition.


Freelancers (writers or illustrators) are also of benefit, though bear in mind our range of products is small as yet!


Infected Zombie RPG


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that would be against our alignment!

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The Immersion Team

Oliver R. Shead
Chief Designer and Founder

Oliver R. Shead, a bestselling Indie author, is the creator of Immersion RPG and the Founder of Immersion Studios. He has been gaming for many years now, with his homebrew creations spiraling out of control into what Immersion RPG is today. He is dedicated to bringing his worlds to life so that countless others can enjoy them as well.

Stuart Holbrook

Stuart was a formative presence in Immersion RPG’s early stages, and has been one of the chief designers ever since. A very experienced gamer, he is also an accomplished martial artist (blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) and writer (books are formulating). If you hate Mimics (aka Infected! then blame this guy!).

Jet Liberson
Designer and Lord of Film

Jet Liberson is passionate about gaming and has been with Immersion from the very beginning. With his adept hand at film and photography (via his studio Pigeon Life Productions), he is of great benefit in assisting us to bring Immersion properly to the audio-visual age!