We've been looking for some inspiration for Infected! from the Real World - and we've found some amazing place! These areas look like a zombie apocalypse has torn through them...
It's been a while since my last post, and it's time to remedy that with interest! We've been absolutely flat out working on our first title release, Infected RPG, a brutally realistic vision of an Infected apocalypse. Harsh, unrelenting and absolutely terrifying.
This is not so much a...
Well it was Friday the 13th yesterday, AND a Full Moon! So what were we working on? You guessed it: Werewolves.Throw out your biases and misconceptions! These are not your average furry monsters. In fact, you can even play as a werewolf. Yup.
See, in Myths of Khoralla Werewolves...
What's better in an RPG - Realism or Fantasy?
I began my RPG life on a diet of AD&D, Rifts and D&D 3.5, among others. It was a heady mix of high-fantasy, crazy magi, impossible worlds, dizzying weirdnesses and brutal baddies. Whilst in AD&D I found...
Free will of players in a game controlled by an all-powerful Game Master may sound like an impossibility. After all, at any point in time the GM can simply decide that something happens, and it will! Your character is happily walking along, and then a...